Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is it really Wednesday?

Hello Everyone!
Wow! I can hardly believe it is Wednesday...Wilder and I have been busy preparing for an opportunity that he may have and I've been busy at work & at home...and surprisingly have even found time for taking 2 walks this week...but will be missing tonight because of a Wednesday night "pick-me-up" at church (I'm working the nursery!!), and will then find myself lost in Thursday before I know it!...that said, I'm writing to say I've really been blessed, and wanted to share this cute cute story with you...the other night Dash & I were reading his largely illustrated kids Bible, and at the bottom of each page is a question to ask your child to make sure he or she is "getting it." That said, I asked him, "Dash, what gifts has God given you-you, know, like a special talent?" and he said, "umm, umm...washing Nannie's dishes." (I tried not to laugh at that b/c of course, all he does is like to play with the sprayer...) Anyway, the next question was, "have you taken a moment to pray to God & thank him for that gift?" His response (immediately started praying), "Dear God, thank you for the ranch DIP we had at my party today, it was really yummy." HE THOUGHT I SAID "have you taken a moment to pray to God & thank him for that DIP?"!! Oh my, I laughed sooo hard...maybe you would have had to been there. Whew!
Anyway, here's a fun pic to post as well from Valentine's week (remember the "diaper pirates" I mentioned??).
Violet Dilessa <><

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